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Each Chickpeas family is encouraged to visit the school once a year and engage the children in a family­-centered activity. The activity can be created around any aspect of family life, including favorite foods, family photos, language, songs, history, the work the adults in the house do, visits by extended family members, newborn baby siblings, etc. The goal is to deepen the children's understanding of difference and diversity. Family Days (meaning you!) are an important part of the Chickpeas curriculum! 


Starting a new school is a big deal! 


We expect that children will have separation anxiety. We ask that grown-ups and children create drop-off routines to help ease the transition. Teachers will assist as needed and keep grown-ups updated as the anxiety diminishes. If a child’s distress persists for more than 45 minutes, the teachers will contact a grown-up to return. Due to Chickpeas’ flexible and creative style, this rarely happens, and we are able to find individualized ways to ease the transition for each child.



Chickpeas style of behavior management aims to provide students with the language and skills they need to be proactive and flexible problem solvers in the classroom.


We teach children to be accountable for their words or actions that may hurt another child, with the goal being that children learn how to listen deeply and think about how to prevent the same conflict in the future. We do not force apologies, but encourage and praise children who apologize in addition to the listening and planning. We believe this helps children’s build self-awareness and a sense of empathy towards others. This is one way we practice restorative justice at its most basic level in the classroom.


Children do NOT need to be potty trained to attend Chickpeas. The teachers will ask children to play an active role in their diaper changing (telling what is in their diaper, pulling down pants, finding diaper tabs to pull, etc.) and present sitting on the potty as an option for those who feel ready. The teachers try to meet the children where they are developmentally, while also encouraging them to try.


Grown-ups provide diapers and wipes for their child.


Chickpeas is able to accommodate food allergies and dietary restrictions that are based on medical advice. Prior to beginning the school year, grown-ups will be asked to notify our Director about any allergies. This information is then shared with all staff, confidential signage in the classroom is posted, and shared with families on an as-needed basis if/when any food from home will be entering the space.


Chickpeas provides two snacks and one lunch for each child each day. All meals are provided by Cooking with Corey, an organic meal-prep and catering company. Meals are served family style, which allows kids the opportunity to practice skills like how to share, take turns, pass bowls and plates, and use tongs.  


(347) 878-8732


451 7th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11215

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